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Ajaxload - animated loading gifs

Animated loading gif generator.

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GWT 1.3 Released

The first open source release of the Google Web Toolkit has been announced.

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Flash Embedding Cage Match

Bobby van der Sluis cuts through the arguments and opinions about the many techniques available.

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Multi-Column Layouts Climb Out of the Box

Alan Pearce presents a cleaner approach to designing multi-column layouts.

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Sarah Horton’s “Access by Design” online

The Universal Usability site houses an unabridged, online version of Access by Design: A Guide to Universal Usability for Web Designers

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Sneak Peek: Video Remixing with Cuts

Like Jumpcut (acquired by Yahoo) and Motionbox, Cuts aims to help users edit video online using the latest Flash tools

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Yahoo Launches OurCity and Re-designs Sports

Yahoo has rolled out a new portal-type service called OurCity, a beta product that aggregates content about cities from across the Yahoo network and Wikipedia

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Talking with Microsoft about IE.next

Aaron Gustafson meet with a few folks on the Internet Explorer team to discuss improvements we wanted to see in IE.next

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